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I bought a fancy dress outfit, to start with I was really happy with it until I got it home and opened it up to find that it was missing one of the items it said it had on the packaging and then on a closer inspection of the dress I found there was a large whole in the back. As I have a busy schedule I found it hard to find time to get back into Southampton to return it but when I finally had the time I returned to find that I couldn't have my money back! I could only exchange or have voucher which I was not told when purchasing the item. I found this most upsetting as the whole experience had ruined the idea of dressing up. The shop assistant gave me vouchers without even asking me what I wanted ( exchange or vouchers) now that I'm not fond of the idea of dressing up after having an incomplete and damage outfit on my first ever purchase of fancy dress I still have no way to spend the vouchers as I do not need any toys as I have no children and no young family members that would be interested in any of the toys in rock bottom toy store. I think that it is very wrong that I was not told of the return policy when I bought the costume and not given a choice when returning the item even though I was told there was options. I also think that it's wrong that I was not allowed my money back considering the costume was over priced to start with and the incomplete and damaged. I hope management from rock bottom tou store see this and consider changing there return policy so no body else end up like me with two vouchers that I can't spend and nothing to show for £20 I no longer have.

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